Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brian Dawkins Signs With the Broncos?

All fans of Eagles had their hope dashed as San Francisco Chronicles reported that Brian Dawkins is very likely to sign a contract with the Broncos.The contract will be signed in Denver, the newspaper further announced. This came more of a shock since Brian himself earlier on had hoped he would stay with the Eagles on long time.

This is an edge and a boost to the Bronco´s defense, which composed of mainly young little experienced faces. With Brian Dawkins in, leadership coupled with experience will make Bronco´s defense a little tougher and less penetrable than pre-Dawkins era.

The shortcomings of Dawkins not withstanding, he is still way ahead of most of the boys the Broncos parade: Whether in throws, runs or defense.This is one of the upgrades the Broncos really needed.

There is more to come to the Broncos however, as news bandies it that Ray Lewis may follow suits and others to make the Bronco´s impenetrable and formidable foe to any club or group.

Most believe that the Eagles and the Broncos would be two fools playing at who is the biggest in foolhardiness. Eagles for letting their heart and soul defense since 1998 go.The Broncos on the other hands thinking Brian Dawkins could still perform as he did in his prime. Time shall tell on this.

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